Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Right Decision?

So... it looks like we'll be moving out of our apartment next week.  Husband Guy and I have [almost] purchased a wee baby house (on less than a 1/10th of acre!) and should be closing in the next week or two.  We are excited to stop throwing money away in rent.  I am excited to not be paranoid that my loud stamping is annoying my neighbors.  Husband guy can finally get the dog he's been dreaming of for years.

There is only one thing that keeps nagging at me, making me doubt our decision to stay in New England indefinitely - My family. Or lack thereof.  I very much enjoy the company of my entire family. However, my entire family lives over a thousand miles away in Georgia.  My family has always been quite close.  Even after my parents divorced when I was in elementary school, and my mother moved out of our home, I still saw both parents every day until I started college.  My brother and I would wake up at one house, go to school, ride the bus home to another house, and then be picked up in the evening by a parent and returned to their house.  At the time it was really a pain the ass to be shuffled back and forth from Mom's house to Dad's house everyday, however, looking back I am so glad that was how things played out.  I got to spend a lot of time with both my parents and they were both heavily involved in all aspects of my life growing up.

[Stepmom, Dad, Husband Guy, Myself, Mother, Brother]

Since moving to Boston 2 years ago, I currently go months and months and months before seeing my family.  For some people I know this isn't too terrible, but for me, to go from seeing my close family everyday to never seeing them, really sucks.

However, it seems that the reasons for staying in Boston have outweighed my nagging "family" issue and I feel bad about that.  On one hand, my husband has a wonderful job here that makes him so happy (and is the reason we left GA in the first place).  We love the New England weather far more than the humid Atlanta heat we left behind.  Boston feels like another country to me, and I am just so much more visually/mentally stimulated here than in the boring suburbs of metro Atlanta. But, I have no family here.

We are kind of at the point of no return - us buying the house is pretty much set in stone.  So, I guess this is just something I'm going to have to deal with.  Perhaps I can just make room in my budget for more trips home. :)

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